Green Walls + Oxygen Gardens
NASA Clean Air Study found that oxygen producing plants can be used to both produce oxygen and remove common harmful chemicals (like formaldehyde and benzene) from the air.
The brain demands at least 20% of the body’s oxygen supply. Lack of oxygen leads to sleep apnoea, poor concentration, forgetfulness, mood swings, restlessness, depressive thoughts and low drive.
Optimize plant photosynthesis (oxygen production) at multiple levels through green walls, trellises, epiphytes, and hanging planters.
Natural Light
Office workers with more light exposure at the workplace tended to have longer sleep duration, better sleep quality, more physical activity, and better quality of life compared to office workers with less light exposure at the workplace.
Office workers’ physical and mental well-being may be improved via enhanced indoor lighting for those with insufficient daylight in current offices as well as increased emphasis on light exposure in the design of future offices.
Stair Usage
Men climbing 20-34 flights of stairs per week have a 29% lower risk of stroke. Stair prompts that encourage stair use for health benefits have been shown increase stair use by a median of 50%.
Make egress stairs accessible and visible. Use fire-rated glass panels in stair doors or special magnetic devices that hold open stair doors and release automatically in case of emergency.
Use windows and skylights to make enclosed stairs more appealing.