
We have a database of information that is updated on a weekly basis as new data is collected from research on the internet, involvement in conferences, project meetings and people sharing information with 4GlobalGood. This information will either be shared on the website or available as requested.


We will help mentor individuals or organizations at conferences, sharing information and working together on projects. We intend to help people understand how to use our information effectively as well as operate facilities in a SMART way.


The network has access to a wide range of people from students providing research, to professionals active in their career to people who are primarily retired and volunteering there time, knowledge and expertise. The network also includes access to key people and resources at major foundations in the US as well as top professional firms and universities.

We are constantly researching and collecting the latest data from others in order to distribute and share the information to accelerate positive change.


Find Solutions

We will visit sites and work with teams around the world to find solutions for issues that need attention the most.